2020 Open Show Results
Held on Sunday 26 January 2020
The Connexion, Leamington Road, Ryton-on Dunsmore, Coventry.
Judge - Ing-Mari Johansson (Cazavinas) Sweden
Critique is below results
Best In Show
Sade Rainbow
Reserve Best in Show
Caredig Destiny
Best Dog and Best Opposite Sex
Ballyphelan Asansol Among Neckrebagh
Best Puppy in Show
Newdigate Doris Day
Best Veteran in Show
Rivenhounds Bonfire at Kilmacdaugh
Minor Puppy Dog (3, 0Abs)
Minor Puppy Bitch (4, 0Abs)
1st. Mr S Bradley Glengail Hhedwig
2nd. Mrs T Sumner Dukesarum Fionn A.I.
3rd. Mrs H Sheppard Glengail Hhades
Puppy Dog (2, 0Abs)
1st. Mrs A Fox Newdigate Marlon Brando
2nd. Mrs T Sumner Dukesarum Fionn A.I.
1st. Mr S Bradley Glengail Hhattie
2nd. Mrs T Sumner Dukesarum Maudegann
3rd. Mr & Mrs M & K Thomas
Madalinca Souls In Dreams
Res. Mrs L Waslin Glengail Hhalia
Puppy Bitch (6, 1Abs)
1st. Mrs A Fox Newdigate Doris Day
2nd Mrs T Sumner Dukesarum Maudegann
3rd Mrs R Cramphorn Yelxba Bonnie
Res. Mrs L Waslin Glengail Hhalia
VHC. Mrs T Harris Hazianne's Moana
Junior Dog (2, 0Abs)
1st. Mrs D Tebbutt Caredig Donovan
2nd Ms A Webb Floydian Syracuse At Foinaven
Yearling Dog (3, 1Abs)
1st. Mrs & Mr F & G Dawson
Hydebeck Dream Tyme Of Graefyn
2nd. Miss A E Bennett
Finneagle The Templar
Novice Dog (2, 0Abs)
1st. Miss L Colbert
Keep It Together Physical Attraction
2nd. Miss A E Bennett
Finneagle The Templar
Junior Bitch (7, 2Abs)
1st. Mrs D Tebbutt Caredig Destiny
2nd. Mrs D Treadwell Floydian Savanna
3rd. Mrs A Fox Barrassy's Copyright
Res. Mrs A Fox Newdigate Doris Day
VHC. Ms K Gregory Braewisan Kallai Killoughery
Yearling Bitch (5, 2Abs)
1st. Mr & Mrs P & P Pask
Baronglen Miss Matilda
2nd. Ms C L Pinkney Hydebeck Dream of Dreams
3rd. Mrs T Sumner Dukesarum Meg
Novice Bitch (4, 0Abs)
1st. Mrs D Treadwell's Floydian Savanna
2nd. Mr & Mrs P & S Catlow
Hydebeck Dream Of Lorelei At Laoiseach
3rd Mr & Mrs A & S Gilbert
Anstyarna Que Cera Cera
Res. Mr & Mrs K & A Campbell-Woodford
Kilmacduagh Aednat
Post Graduate Dog (4, 2Abs)
1st. Mr J A Murray Sade Aryasson At Sabata
2nd. Miss J M Littlefair Goldswift Phoenix Kiss
Limit Dog (9, 1Abs)
1st. Dr & Miss P & S Das Purkayastha
Ballyphelan Asansol Among Neckrebagh
2nd. Miss K Webb
Goldswift Mission Possible For Inkleboys
3rd. J & J Taylor & Lynch
Gaeltarra Eireann Watson (Imp)
Res. Ms K Gregory
Barrassy's Shooting Star At Kiloughery
VHC. Mrs S Dawson
Austonley's Falcon At Shalico
Post Graduate Bitch (6, 1Abs)
1st. Mrs T Sumner Dukesarum Lilybet
2nd. Miss J M Littlefair Goldswift Inyour dreams
3rd. Mrs D Pateman Hollyhenge Bacille Ball
Res. Mrs M K Addington
Wolfhouse Daviniah Of Wolvebrigg (Imp DNK)
VHC. Mr & Mrs K & A Campbell-Woodford
Kilmacduagh Aednat
Limit Bitch (5, 2Abs)
1st. Ms J Braine Hollyhenge Carribean Kiss
2nd. Mr & Mrs A Porter Lindall Passion
3rd. Mr D Malone Barachois Mellow Yellow
Open Dog (3, 1Abs)
1st. Mr & Mrs J & P Sumner
Ballyphelan Amadeus
2nd. Dr & Miss P & S Das Purkayastha
Ravensbeech Romanus Among Neckrebagh SH CM
Veteran Dog (No Entries)
Open Bitch (11, 4Abs)
1st. Mr & Mrs C & J Amoo Sade Raindow
2nd. Mr & Mrs J & P Sumner
Ch. Ballyphelan Anna Lisa
3rd. Mr & Mrs D & D Redfern
Tullstown Charismatic Cadence At Rainster
Res. Mrs S Wilkinson Conmeryl Merriment Over Hunacres SH CM
VHC. Mrs D Pateman Caredig Aurora
Veteran Bitch (4, 3Abs)
1st. Mr & Mrs K & A Campbell-Woodford
Rivenhounds Bonfire At Kilmacduagh
Ing-Mari Johansson (Cazavinas) Sweden
26 January 2020
First of all, I want to thank the Committee of the show for inviting me to judge your Open Show. It was an honour for me. Thanks to my table stewards and my ring stewards, they took good care of me.
It was very good quality of the hounds and all have lovely temperaments.
I enjoyed every minute.
Class 1 Minor Puppy Dog 3
1st: 3 Bradley’s Glengail Hhedwig. Lovely puppy very good type, excellent head, dark eyes. Good topline, good angulation front and behind, good shoulder placement. Movement OK. Ex coat. Very promising.
2nd: 1 Sumner’s Dukesarum Fionn. Seven month, good type beautiful head, good shoulder,nice over and underline. I would little more of him for his age. Good coat, good mover.
3rd: 2 Glengail’s Hhades.
Class 2 Puppy Dog 2
1st: 4 Fox’s Newdigate Marlon Brando. Ten month big puppy, nice type, ex head with good pigmentation. Good topline, good bone, straight in front, ex.coat, moved well.
2nd: 1 Sumner’s Dukesarum Fionn.
Class 3 Junior Dog 2
1st: 5 Tebbutt’s Caredig Donovan. Ex type, ex head and expression.Very good front, ex.forchest, topline and angulations.Ex bone and substance.Good croup. Good coat,moved well.
2nd: 6 Webb’s Floydian Syracuse at Foinaven. Ex type,with lots of substance,very good head and expression,very good front,shoulder and topline. Good angulations over all. Good coat, moved well.
Class 4 Yearling Dog 3 [1ab]
1st: 9 Dawson’s Hydebeck Dream Tyme of Graefyn Exc. type masculine head with dark eyes.Good front and shoulder, nice neck and topline.Lots of substance. Moved well, good coat.
2nd: 8 Bennet’s Finneagle The Templar Good type, good head with dark eyes. Good neck,topline and underline.He needs more time to develop. Nice mover good coat
Class 5 Novice Dog 2
1st: 10 Colbert’s Keep It Together Physical Attraction Good type,good head straight front, nice topline and underline moderate angulations Moved O.K good coat
2nd: 8 Bennet’s Finneagle The Templar
Class 6 Post Graduate Dog 4 [2ab]
1st: 14 Murray’s Sade Aryasson at Sabata Ex. type ex. head and expression. Ex.topline and underline, very good front and hindquaters.Good spring of rib. Harsh coat moves very well
2nd: 12 Littlefair’s Goldswift Phoenix Kiss Very good type beautiful head nice topline and underline, normal angulations in front and behind.Could have harsher coat, nice mover.
Class 7 Limit Dog 9 [1ab]
1st: 16 Das Purkayastha’s Ballyphelan Asansol Among Neckrebagh Ex.type with lots of substance, exc. masculine head, dark eyes, lovely neck and topline, ex. forchest, well placed shoulder very good angulation in front and behind,strong back with arch of loin. Good coat, moved with ex.drive covering the ground Best Opposite Sex.
2nd: 21 Webb’s Goldswift Mission Possible For Inkleboys. Very good type beautiful head,dark eyes very good neck and topline, good shoulder, good bone good coat. Moves very well
3rd: 20 Taylor and Lynch’s Gaeltarra Eireann Watson.
Class 8 Open Dog 3 [1ab]
1st: 24 Sumner’s Ballyphelen Amadeus. Ex type, beautiful head dark eyes. Exc.neck and topline, well placed shoulder very good forchest.Strong hindquarters, exc.angulations. Correct coat. Ex.mover.
2nd: 26 Das Purkayastha’s Ravensbeech Romanus Among Neckrebregh SH CM. Ex type, very beautiful head, dark eyes. Nice neck and topline, good front, good angulations good coat, moves well.
Class 10 Minor Puppy Bitch 4
1st: 29 Bradley’s Glengail Hhattie. Lovely puppy exc.type, wonderful head with dark eyes. Very good neck and topline, very good angulations. Correct coat, good mover. Very promising.
2nd: 27 Sumner’s Dukesarum Maudegann. Beautiful puppy, lovely head and expression, good neck and topline, good angulations, moves well, good coat
3rd: 30 Thomas’ Madalinca Souls In Dreams.
Class 11 Puppy Bitch 6 [1ab]
1st: 33 Fox’s Newdigate Doris Day. Ex type, beautiful head and expression, dark eyes. Nice neck, topline and underline.Good forchest and good shoulder, harsh coat, moves very well. Best Puppy In Show.
2nd: 27 Dukesarum Maudegann.
3rd: 34 Cramphorn’s Yelxba Bonnie.
Class 12 Junior Bitch 7 [2ab]
1st: 39 Tebbutt’s Caredig Destiny. Ex type with lots of substance, lovely feminine head with dark eyes. Exc. neck, topline and underline.Good front, strong hinquaters, ex angulations in front and behind. Very good spring of rib. Ex mover, correct coat. Res Best in Show.
2: 40 Treadwell’s Floydian Savanna. Ex type lovely head, dark eye. Exc topline and underline, good croup, little straight in front. Good angulations in front and behind, good coat, moves well.
3rd: 36 Fox’s Barrassy’s Copyright.
Class 13 Yearling Bitch 5 [2ab]
1: 41 Pask’s Baronglen Miss Matilda. Ex type, lots of substance, lovely head, dark eyes. Ex neck, topline and underline.Strong hindquarters,very good angulations in front and behind.Harsh coat, ex.mover and she is a real hunter.
2: 44 Pinkney’s Hydeback Dream Of Dreams. Ex. type, beautiful head with dark eyes and very good pigmentation. Good spring of rib, good croup. Very good angulations front and behind. Correct coat. Moved very well.
3rd: 43 Sumner’s Dukesarum Meg.
Class 14 Novice Bitch 4
1st: 40 Treadwell’s Floydian Savanna.
2nd: 47 Catlow’s Hydebeck Dream Of Lorelei At Laoiseach. Lovely bitch, very good type, beautiful head with dark eyes. Good croup, nice topline and underline. Good angulations front and behind. good coat, moves well.
3rd: 46 Gilbert’s Anstyarna Que Cera Cera.
Class 15 Post Graduate Bitch 6 [1ab]
1st: 50 Sumner’s Dukesarum Lilybet. Beautiful bitch exc. type feminine head dark eyes. Good forchest and shoulder, nice neck, topline and underline. Good angulations front and back. Good coat, moves very well.
2nd: 51 Littlefair’s Goldswift Inyourdreams Very good type, lovely head, dark eyes. Good front and shoulder,good angulations in front and behind ,good croup. Good coat, moves well.
3rd: 52 Pateman’s Hollyhenge Bacille Ball.
Class 16 Limit Bitch 5 [2ab]
1st: 56 Braine’s Hollyhenge Carribean Kiss. Ex strong bitch with lots of substance. Lovely head, dark eyes. Very good neck,topline and underline. Very good forchest, good shoulder, good angulations. Good coat, moves very well.
2nd: 57 Porter’s Lindall Passion. Lovely bitch beautiful head and expression.Nice neck, topline and underline.Good bone, good angulation front and behind.Good coat, moves well.
3rd: 54 Malone’s Barachois Mellow Yellow.
Class 17 Open Bitch 11 [4ab]
1st: 67 Amoo’s Sade Rainbow. Beautiful bitch, ex type with lot of quality.Lovely feminine head, long strong neck,exc.topline and underline, ex.forchest and shoulder. Ex angulations in front and behind. Strong back with arch over loin. Correct coat. Ex. mover covering the ground. Best in Show.
2nd: 63 Sumner’s Ch Ballyphelan Anna Lisa. Lovely bitch ex. type with lot of substance. Beautiful head, dark eyes.Ex neck, topline and underline.Very good angulation in front and behind. Correct croup and hindquarters. Good coat. Ex mover.
3rd: 68 Redfern’s Tullstown Charismatic Cadence at Rainster.
Class 18 Veteran Bitch 4 [3ab]
1: 72 Campbell-Woodford’s Rivenhounds Bonfire At Kilmacdaugh. Lovely veteran bitch Very good type, beautiful head,dark eyes.Very good topline and underline.Little straight in front, well bodied, ex. condition. Moves very well. Good coat. Best Veteran.